venerdì 25 settembre 2015

25/09/2015 * IT-334313: Cartolina inviata a / Postcard sent to Lidka / Wolsztyn / Poland - Cesenatico / Riviera Adriatica.

Ho inviato questa cartolina ad un piccolo bimbo molto ammalato che vive in Polonia. Se volete anche voi fare felici dei piccoli gravemente ammalati andate su questo sito. Basta poco. Liguria / Mar Ligure / Santuario internazionale del Mar Ligure per i cetacei. Capodoglio (Physeter  Catodon).
Marzycielska Poczta (or “Dream Post” in English) was established in late 2009 in Poland. From time to time we are publishingprofiles of ill children from all over Poland who love receiving traditional letters and cards. The profiles of children have street addresses which anyone can use to write a letter.

Letters and cards give kids strength to fight their diseases. Their parents are encouraged and people writing to them have a lot of fun. So what are you waiting for?

giovedì 10 settembre 2015

10/09/2015 * IT-322019: Cartolina inviata a / Postcard sent to Tatyana / Moscow / Russian Federation - Riviera Ligure / Savona / Fortezza del Priamar.